Introducing Saison Script, a handwritten signature style font. Saison was inspired by the lettering I used in my own logo — I decided to make this available to my customers, since so many of you have asked the question, “What font did you use?” Now, I can tell you that it’s this one! This stylish font features a messy, casual look and ligatures to enhance the flow of the handwriting look & feel of your project!
Saison Script is best for:
logos + branding
website design + website accents – think travel blogs, fashion blogs, & more
clean print design, like magazines + flyers
header elements that need handwritten touch
quote graphics for social media
Saison includes:
full upper + lowercase characters
numbers + punctuation
Western European Language Support
118 alternate characters
71 ligatures – ar as ll on or pr rr sh th ab ad ah ak al am an ar as bb bl cc cr dd dr ea ed ee el em en er es ex ff fl fo fr gg gr ii il ir is ll mm ms nn nt of ol om on oo op or os ou pp pr rr sh sl ss st th tr tt up ur us wr
.otf, .ttf, and webfont files
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