Dramatic Style is a beautiful script font with beginning and ending swashes, this font I am created looks natural, elegant and perfect for any project. full set of lovely uppercase and lowercase letters, multilingual symbols, numerals, punctuation and ending lowercase swashes. is perfect for you up coming projects. such as modern invitation design, branding stationery design, wedding, birthday, etc. and any extraordinary projects
ligatures list
aa ab ah ai ak al at at tb rf rr ra rr sr ur wr gr jr yr or mm st ob oh
ok ol ot bb bh bk bl ib ih ik il ch cb ck ll eb eh ek el fb fh fk fl gb
gh gk gl ph hb hh hk hl kk kb kh kl lb lh lk mb mh mk ml yl
yb yh yk yt jb jh jk jl jt lt rt ht nb nh nk nl nt pb pk pl pt rb rh
rk rl ub uh uk ul ut vb vh vk vl vt wb wh wk wl wt as bs
cs es fs gs hs is js ks ls ms ns os ps qs rs ss us vs ws xs ys zs
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